Real time API transactions are meant to be for one employee. But we have seen TPE's send multiple employee blocks in one transaction, but its still for the same employee. But when you say Unique vs Common employees, do you mean employees from different organizations?
Sathish Kari Kundan
LDEx FORUM Admin & Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2025 11:51
From: Stephen Cocuzza
Subject: Best Practices around Multi Employee payload processing and in conjunction with LDEx RSP
yes that is the correct understanding , it could be 1 transaction multiple unique employees or 1 transaction multiple common employees
Stephen Cocuzza
Tech Lead, Software Developer
Newark NJ
+1 732 482 8920
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2025 00:21
From: Sathish Kundan
Subject: Best Practices around Multi Employee payload processing and in conjunction with LDEx RSP
When you say Small/Medium 10 Employees - Are you receiving multiple Employee records in 1 payload?
Sathish Kari Kundan
LDEx FORUM Admin & Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-02-2025 16:17
From: Stephen Cocuzza
Subject: Best Practices around Multi Employee payload processing and in conjunction with LDEx RSP
From the Carrier standpoint:
Looking for Limra/Carrier recommendations for processing multi/array of employee LDEx BEM transmissions as well as responding appropriately with LDEx RSP
All scenarios assume a single transmission (Represented as one transmissionGUID) containing >1 employee objects
processing with LDEx BEM
- Partial processing for small/medium 10 Employees - If issue is identified upfront (synchronously) for one or more employees are Carriers failing and refraining from accepting the entire transmission?
- Partial processing for large >100 Employees - same question above
responding asynchronously w/ LDEx RSP
- For accepted - single transmission small/medium 10 Employees - If downstream processing failures occur for one or more employees
- Is it sufficient to respond with LDEx RSP asynchronously one transaction for each employee failure related back to the source transmissionGUID
- OR - aggregate all employee failure into one transaction relating back to source transmissionGUID
- For accepted - single transmission large >100 Employees - If downstream processing failures occur for one or more employees
- same questions (1,2) above
1 transmission 10 Employees - to relate to API requests
1 transmission >100 Employees - to relate to potentially file based transmissions
Stephen Cocuzza
Tech Lead, Software Developer
Newark NJ