These values and their intended use have been discussed greatly in the bitbucket issues log #392 if committee members want to review the whole discussion. For non-committee members here is what the final decision was. The c
hanges below have been incorporated into BEM 1.3 definitions.
Initial coverage effective date for the enrollment in the associated benefit plan. Date will not change as long as policy remains in force. Requirements: Situational - required if the value doesn't equal the CoverageEffectiveDate; Format as YYYY-MM-DD. Version: 0.01.2018.06.30
Date of the latest change to the current active Coverage. May reflect initial coverage or coverage changes such as those impacting ElectedCoverage, BenefitPlanIdentifier, CoverageTierCode, BenefitAmount, EmployeePremiumContributionAmount, EmployerPremiumContributionAmount, etc. Requirements: Required; Format as YYYY-MM-DD. Version: 0.4.2019.12.06
Earliest date of continuous coverage for this insured in the associated benefit plan. Separate benefit effective dates must be sent for each dependent covered under the benefit plan. Requirements: Required; Format as YYYY-MM-DD. Version: 0.4.2019.02.28
Michael J Grudgings
Business Architect, Data Standards | LL Global, Inc.
300 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT, 06095
t: (860) 298-3850 |
Original Message:
Sent: 04-06-2022 13:35
From: Karen Lindokken
Subject: FAQ Clarity on definitions for Coverage Note Dates for Coverage changes
As working through mapping, ensuring that interpreting consistently for attributes and definitions, need help clarifying for scenarios related to dependent coverage and how relate to member
Original Coverage Effective Date
Coverage Effective Date
Insured Coverage Effective Date
Karen Lindokken FLMI
Solutions Architect
Standard Insurance Company
Portland OR
(971) 321-6442