
  Thread Subject Replies Last Post Status
Background check for insurance agent 5 7 days ago by Anita Surti
compliance and translating marketing 0 7 days ago by Jennifer Bernau
E & O for General agency/broker/IMO
0 14 days ago by Anita Surti
A Multidimensional Universe: LIC Editorial, News and Events [The LICConnect version of the Bullet E-News
0 25 days ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Member Looking for Opportunities 0 one month ago by Bruce Davis
First Quarter U.S. Annuity Sales Mark 14th Consecutive Quarter of Growth
0 2 months ago by Dean Lambert
Utilization of eventDate in LDEx BEM 0 2 months ago by Stephen Cocuzza
AI, the Insurance Needs Gap, and Other Industry News and Events [The LICCONNECT version of the Bullet E-News]
0 2 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
EmploymentInformationUserDefinedCategory limited repititions 3 2 months ago by Hannah Banghart
Original post by Michael Grudgings
LDEx Endpoints 1 3 months ago by Michael Grudgings
Original post by Richard Gannaway
New Opportunities, Higher-Value Engagement, Industry News and Events [The LICConnect Version of the Bullet Enews]
0 3 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
CoverageTierCode when it varies per customer and plan 8 3 months ago by Michael Grudgings
Original post by Amanda Lund Anderson
Thoughts on Engagement, Growth in Life and Annuities, and Other Industry News [The LICConnect Version of the Bullet Enews]
0 4 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
A Primer on Generative AI for Actuaries (From the SOA)
0 5 months ago by Dean Lambert
NAIC Announces 2024 Strategy (Feb 14, 2024)
0 5 months ago by Dean Lambert
LIC Looks Forward, and Other Industry News [The LICConnect version of the Bullet Enews]
0 5 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Virtual Forum to Explore the Future of Death Care in America
0 5 months ago by Dean Lambert
Black Americans Express More Optimism in the Economy
0 5 months ago by Dean Lambert
LDEx 2024 Development Cycle Announcement 0 6 months ago by Michael Grudgings
"A Very Good Year"...and other industry news [The LIC Connect version of the Bullet Enews]
0 6 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
New Year, New Chapter
3 6 months ago by Steve Shaffer
Original post by Andrew Edelsberg
Ampersand values on LDExBEM 1.3 1 6 months ago by Michael Grudgings
Original post by Jacquelynn Payne
question for the LIC community
4 7 months ago by Tim Dineen
Original post by Kim Diaz
What Do Insurance CEOs Fear? and other industry news [The LICConnect Version of the Bullet Enews]
0 7 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Multiple Locations and Codes 0 7 months ago by Michael Grudgings
LIC *IMAGINES* the future for small-midsized insurers, and other industry news [The LICConnect version of the Bullet E-News]
0 9 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
FAQ: BenefitAmount in Conjunction with BenefitModeQuantity 0 10 months ago by Michael Grudgings
The Opportunities Ahead, and other industry news [The LICConnect version of the Bullet E-News]
0 10 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Disruption/Transformation re: Distribution
1 10 months ago by Paul Smithers
Original post by Dean Lambert
Hottest topics for small-midsize insurers, and other industry news [The LICConnect version of the Bullet Enews]
0 11 months ago by Audrey Wittenburg
FAQ: How do I manage specific billing groups at the employee level within BEM? 0 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
FAQ: How are Beneficiaries mapped in BEM? 0 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
JSON schema for older standards? 1 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
Original post by Christoph Wienands
LIC releases Final Expense and Preneed Reports, and other industry news [June 2023 LICConnect version of the Bullet E-News]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Life insurance trends and other industry news from LIC [May 2023 LIC Connect version of the Bullet e-news]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
FAQ Payroll Deductions at the Coverage level in BEM 0 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
TEsting non pegged posts 0 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
Implementation Documentation 0 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
LIC's New Executive Director, and other industry news from LIC [The LICConnect version of the Bullet E-news]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Jan 12 Webinar on Top Priorities for 2023, and other industry news from LIC
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Happy New Year! and industry news from LIC [The LICConnect Version of the Bullet Enews]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Thank You
0 one year ago by Deb Elliott
Retail Visionary to keynote LIC2023, and other industry news from LIC [The LICConnect Version of the Bullet E-News]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Testing and Validation outside of individual subscriber requests 1 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
Original post by Amanda Lund Anderson
Hispanic consumers' financial concerns impact coverage, and other industry news [The LICConnect version of the Bullet E-News]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
FAQ Technical questions on EOIS schema 0 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
Digital Acceleration Forum To Stream September 20, and other industry news [The LICConnect version of the Bullet E-News]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg
Identifying FMLA on the file 1 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
Original post by Ana Brownell
Special characters in employee and dependent names 4 one year ago by Michael Grudgings
Original post by Lyle Griffin
Campaign Shines a Light on Consumer Misconceptions, and other industry news from LIC [The LICCONNECT version of the Bullet E-News]
0 one year ago by Audrey Wittenburg